Student Emergency Support and Resources


Do you need help with a difficult challenge or emergency? 学生办公室主任在这里确保学生和他们的家人得到他们需要的照顾和帮助. 

Your well-being and success are our primary concerns. 下面, 我们收集了校园和社区资源,为身体和情感紧急情况提供直接支持, 干预措施, 宣传, and other circumstances. We encourage you to be aware of and use these services.

给蹄 HEERF报告


Hilltopper Emergency Assistance Request

如果您有经济困难,请填写山顶紧急援助请求或 Student Concern/Conduct Reporting Form. 和 Dean of Students Office will be in contact to assist you.  

Who to Call for Immediate Support and Help


University Police Department

Monday–Thursday, 8 a.m.– 5:30 p.m.
星期五,8点.m.– 5 p.m.

24/7的医疗紧急情况或危及生命的心理紧急情况或涉及到伤害自己的风险, 其他人, 或财产.

Dean of Students Office

Monday−Friday, 8−5 p.m.

For issues concerning student conduct, 高危行为, 精神 health intervention, and assistance with external resources.

健康 & 咨询中心

周一~周五,8 ~ 5点.m.
对于身体问题,比如运动损伤或支气管炎,以及心理健康问题,比如焦虑, 抑郁症, 或压力.

On-Campus and Off-Campus Community Resources

St. Edward 's提供了访问由FindHelp提供支持的紧急资源工具包的权限.org是美国最大的社会服务推荐网络. The toolkit connects students in need to programs that serve them. Search for free or reduced-cost services like medical care, 食物, 住房, and transportation in any US zip code. In addition, you’ll find information on important resources at St. 爱德华大学在山顶上为你提供服务,大学经常与社区合作伙伴合作,为学生提供支持.


  • Medical, Behavioral and Spiritual 健康 - Resources for physical, 精神, 情感, 精神健康, including health insurance, urgent and specialty care, 上瘾, 低成本医疗, and religious resources
  • 食物与营养 -食品分发处的资源,参加低成本食品项目和膳食计划. More resources are available below. 
  • 运输 -公共和/或低成本的资源,包括公共汽车、拼车和自行车
  • 住房 - Resources for on-campus and off-campus low-cost options
  • Legal Support and Immigration -转介处理法律需要的资源,包括移民和DACA延期 
  • 学术支持 -校内辅导、学习用品和廉价教科书的资源
  • 金融支持 - Resources for campus aid, scholarships, jobs, and loans
  • 个人安全 -个人保护、虐待、性侵犯、关系暴力和跟踪的资源

Use of the toolkit is free and confidential. Just enter your zip code, and you'll quickly find hundreds of social services in your area, as well as university-provided resources. If you need help navigating the toolkit website, 请致电512-448-8408与教务处联系或查看此链接 有用的教程.


As a college student, 你可能会担心没有足够的食物,或者试图更好地理解如何在剩下的学期中伸展或分享你的膳食计划资金.  吃不饱会影响你的身心健康, as well as your academic success.  这里有一些资源,你可以用来帮助你的同胞或你自己! 

On Campus Food Support


Follow us on Instagram | @seu_thehuddle

Accessible 24/7 with SEU ID
Location | LeMans Hall, Ground Floor 

Through the generosity of donors, 君主食品储藏室储存着不易腐烂和冷冻的食品, toiletries and school supplies. Thrifty Topper有各种各样的服装,从休闲到商务装. The university is welcome to visit 24/7 via SEU ID. 

DONATE | Monetary donations can be made 在线 [designation Campus Ministry > Monarchs Food Pantry]. 物品可以放在办公室或校园部办公室.


Follow us on Instagram | @seu食物rescue

Location | CSC Community Room | 7 a.m.-11 p.m.

我们试图通过将活动、会议、餐饮等额外的食物联系起来,减少校园食物浪费. to hungry Hilltoppers and local community organizations.


  • 捐款被带到CSC社区室(与教堂相连)的冰箱里,并贴上3天有效期的标签.
  • We advertise donations on our Instagram Story.
  • SEU社区的任何成员都可以来吃饭或带走食物(为自己或非营利组织).
  • We will do our best to update when donations are gone.
  • All unclaimed donations will be disposed or composted.

成为一个 食物战斗机 to help pick up and disperse donations!

SEU Peer to Peer Meal Plan Dollar 转移

由于学生自治协会几年前的工作,我们有一个 Peer-to-Peer Meal Plan Dollar 转移 Program. 学生可以在秋季学期的11月1日之后和春季学期的4月1日之后将膳食计划资金转移给另一个学生.

SEU Dean of Students Office

当你在挣扎时寻求帮助可能会很困难,而且势不可挡.  A staff member in the Dean of Students Office, 主要建筑, 一楼, G16, can assist you in accessing resources both on and off campus.  我们的开放时间是工作日早上8点到下午5点,或者您可以致电512-448-8408预约,或者给我们发电子邮件   

Emergency Resources Toolkit

St. Edward 's提供了访问由FindHelp提供支持的紧急资源工具包的权限.org是美国最大的社会服务推荐网络. 该工具包将有需要的学生与为他们服务的项目联系起来. Search for free or reduced-cost services like medical care, 食物, 住房 and transportation in any US zip code. In addition, you’ll find information on important resources at St. 爱德华大学在山顶上为你提供服务,大学经常与社区合作伙伴合作,为学生提供支持.   


Foundation Communities- Mission Plaza

基金会社区使命广场提供了一个食品储藏室,以帮助奥斯丁沟通,减轻食品不安全. The Mission Plaza location is close to St. 365比分网电竞 and is open Mondays & 星期三下午3-5点.  它位于 3000 S I-35 Frontage Rd #160, Austin, TX 78704. 食品储藏室在160号高楼的一层(不是繁荣中心)。. Please bring a valid government ID.

For your safety, if you are walking from campus, please take St. Edward's Drive (next to the baseball field). Turn right towards I-35. 该物业的入口将在您的右边,就在森林溪公寓之后. 你会经过左边较短的建筑(繁荣中心),看到你前面的主楼. The Food Pantry is just beyond the elevators on the right #160. 

St. Ignatius Food Pantry

St. 365比分网电竞 partnered with St. 伊格内修斯食品储藏室(欧几里得大街2303号,就在SEU拐角处).) to provide our students with free 食物.  The pantry is open Monday-Wednesday from 9 AM-1 PM.  Students can receive a month’s worth of fresh 食物, 不易坏的物品, 卫生用品, and assistance paying for prescription medications. Just show up 和 pantry will help. 食品储藏室致力于保护您的隐私,不会分享您的访问. 

Supple精神 Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

A team at the Central Texas Food Bank is available to support St. 爱德华的 students in applying for 快速的好处. If approved for SNAP, 每月的津贴将存入借记卡,用于在HEB等校外食品零售商购买未经准备的食品. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, there is expanded SNAP eligibility for colleges students.  如果您有兴趣了解您的资格并完成申请, 您可以致电(512)684-2550联系德克萨斯中央食品银行或致电(512)448-8408联系学生办公室院长. Like the 食物 pantry, 食物银行致力于保护您的隐私,不会与学校分享您的访问.   

Supporting Each Other

If you are experiencing 食物 insecurity, 请知道你并不孤单,大学社区在这里帮助你.  如有意捐款帮助有需要的学生,请考虑捐款予 Hilltoppers Overcoming Obstacles Fund (HOOF)这是一种正在开发的资源,旨在为遇到紧急情况的学生提供支持.  Additional resources in Texas include the 美国红十字会 和 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).